US AG William Barr hints at October surprise: Russia collusion?

WASHINGTON — Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about the Russia-collusion hoax, there’s more. Hats off to Catherine Herridge of CBS News for publishing portions of the Justice Department’s unclassified summary of its investigation into the origins of the anti-Trump Russia-collusion hoax. US AG William Barr is clearly on the case.

Catherine Herridge of CBS News. CBS News screen capture.

No-holds Barr

CDN Screen shot – Jacquie Kubin

According to Attorney General William Barr, the “primary sub-source” who contributed the disinformation contained in British spy Christopher Steele’s now-discredited anti-Trump dossier was likely – wait for it – a Russian spy!

But worse yet, the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane (get-Trump) investigators knew it all along. How do we know this? Because of the person in question…

“… was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011 that assessed his/her documented contacts with suspected Russian intelligence officers.”

America’s devious secret police

In other words, the FBI presented Steele’s dossier as evidence when seeking warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). Yet they knew at the same time it was filled with disinformation provided by Russian intelligence officers.

And then we have this:

“A review of FBI databases revealed that the primary sub-source had contact in 2006 with the Russian Embassy and known Russian intelligence officers.”

That means the investigation into Steele’s sub-source occurred when Robert Mueller was director of the FBI (2001-2013). Further, it is clear FBI Director James Comey knew of him/her as well.

Also Read: Never-Trump ghost of John McCain is Halloween’s October Surprise

Ignorance is no defense

Screen Shot Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before Congress.

That inference is clear. Notably, both men provided remarkably similar answers when called to testify before Congress about their knowledge of the Steele dossier and its contents.

Former FBI Director James Comey: “I’m not going to comment on that.”

Former FBI Director and Special Counsel Robert Mueller: “I am unable to address questions about the opening of the FBI’s Russia investigation, which occurred months before my appointment, or matters related to the so-called ‘Steele Dossier.’”

Robert Mueller testifies before Congress. C-SPAN screen capture.

The albatross around their necks

Clearly, the Democrats, their personal Gestapo (the FBI), and their fake-news media boosters own the Russia-collusion hoax. Its biggest promoter, California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, kept the hoax on a rolling boil by insisting he possessed “evidence of collusion in full sight.”

But Schiff, the FBI, and the mainstream media lied.

Rep. Adam Schiff. C-SPAN screen capture.

US AG William Barr knew this, and appropriately issued a vailed threat in his summary:

“I have consulted with [US Attorney] Mr. Durham, who originally brought this information to my attention in the course of his investigation, and he has informed me that disclosure of the information will not interfere with his criminal investigation.”

Durham, the Crime Dog

US Attorney John Durham. Fox News screen capture.

Ah, yes. A criminal investigation. The kind that requires a higher standard of evidence than a coup plot masquerading as an FBI counterintelligence investigation. One sanctioned by a secret court designed to combat Russian intelligence operations on US soil… not further them.

So in the end, the only good guy in this bag of snakes is President Donald J. Trump. Hopefully, Robert Durham will soon drop a stack of criminal indictments against those who worked with Russia to unseat a US president pledged to “Make America Great Again.”

Russia, Democrats, the FBI, and the fake-news media have plenty in common: Namely, a deep hatred for President Donald Trump… and for America and Americans as well.


*Top Image: US Attorney William Barr. ABC News screen capture.*

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