WATCH: Tiffany Trump Slammed On Social Media For Bizarre Gay Pride Event For Her Father

Tiffany Trump speaks at the RNC

Tiffany Trump, President Donald Trump’s daughter, participated in a Trump Pride campaign event in battleground-state Florida this week to help her father’s re-election efforts.

The event was held at the Westshore Grand Hotel. Throughout the president’s tenure, many have criticized the administration for rolling back progress that the LGBTQ community had made under the Obama Administration.

At the event, Tiffany, 27, gave a 10-minute speech. She introduced herself by blasting the Black-Eyed Peas and danced on stage.

During the entire speech, which ended up going viral on social media, she tried to woo presidential votes for her father from gay community. But she forgot to mention the “T” for transgender, leading many to doubt her sincerity.

“I know what my father believes in,” Tiffany said. “Prior to politics, he supported gays, lesbians… the LGBQIA+ community, okay?”

She spoke at length about how much she and her father support gay rights.

Tiffany then dove into a speech about “fabricated lies” against her father while lambasting social media.

“It saddens me. I have friends of mine who reach out and they say how could you support your father, we know your best friends are gay,” she said.



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