Police Uncover Plot By Alex Hillel Treisman To Assassinate Joe Biden

Police Uncover Plot By Alex Hillel Treisman To Assassinate Joe Biden

A North Carolina man, found guilty last month on charges of distributing child pornography, planned to assassinate presidential nominee Joe Biden over the holiday season.

When the police authority investigated Alex Hillel Treisman for child pornography, they also found some disturbing information related to Biden. Treisman’s cell phone contained messages and details about images of firearms, internet searches about Biden’s home address and keywords of “over Christmas or break.”

Treisman previously purchased an AR-15 approximately four miles away from Biden’s home. He had “execute” on one of his checklists and posted a social media caption asking “should I kill Joe Biden.”

Treisman had plans to flee the country. His searches indicated frequent contact with a Canadian law firm in which he inquired about obtaining Canadian citizenship.

The court “concluded that the record establishes by clear and convincing evidence that no combination of available release conditions would reasonably assure the safety of the community.”


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