Mitch McConnell Dismisses Concerns About Visible Bruising On His Hands

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) said he had “no concerns” about his health, despite visible bruising and bandages on his hands in recent days.

Asked if he had any health concerns people should be aware of, McConnell responded “of course not.” When CNN directly asked about the bruising as well as if he had any other problems, the 78-year-old said he had “no concerns.”

Although he did not respond about if he was being treated by a doctor, McConnell has been working as usual at the Senate, including delivering remarks on the floor.

McConnell has had health issues in the past, including surviving polio as a child, fracturing his shoulder in a fall in 2019 and undergoing triple heart bypass surgery in 2003. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, McConnell has advocated for mask-wearing and social distancing.

“The one thing that each of us could do, all across America, to help protect ourselves and others is to wear a mask and practice social distancing,” he said in a July video. McConnell has struggled to enforce those policies within the Republican circles of Senate, as well as to get the entirety of the GOP on board in promoting those health protocols.

“This coronavirus is not going to automatically go away,” he added.


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