5 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is key to leading a productive life.

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In today’s work place, a good number of people are shifting their base of satisfaction from monetary gains to a holistic beneficial pay package that accommodates non-financial benefits. Employees are trading bigger paychecks for more vacation days, flexible work schedule and the promise of a healthy work-life balance.

A healthy work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance helps reduce stress and prevents burnout in the workplace.

Workplace stress is one of the most common health issues amongst employees and if it continues over a long period of time, it can lead to workplace burnout. Workplace burnout is a huge financial cost for organizations in the United States. In the United States, healthcare spending for psychological and physical problems associated with burned-out employees cost an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion a year according to the Harvard Business Review.

Workplace stress can negatively impact on mental health and can be responsible for other debilitating conditions such as fatigue, mood swings, hypertension, depression, anxiety, and insomnia and in some cases, digestive troubles.

A healthy work environment not only promotes a healthy work-life balance but also produces quantifiable results, save money and prevent workplace burnout.

You'd want to stay healthy if you want to continue to work!

In this article, we will discuss 5 sure-fire ways to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Take some time off

Whether it is taking a vacation or a brief moment between works for a power nap, you just have to know when to take some time out, stop, zone out and recharge.

Taking time off from work is not luxury. In fact, it is necessary if we want to continue to maintain our sanity and remain productive. As humans, our effective attention lifespan is really short and once we've past that mark, much of every other effort we make will tell on our mind and body.

Also, time out for other activities helps to develop our minds, give us time for other interactions and allow us to form broad views that can be beneficial in our day-to-day decision making process.

Always leave the job behind

Choosing to deal with work only when you are at work is a commitment very few can keep, yet it is critical to helping you stay sane and productive. I know it can get confusing sometimes trying to separate work time from family time, however, you can choose to always leave the job behind. Develop a mental on-off switch between work and home.

Make a habit of leaving work related activities, inquires or request behind at work at the close of the day by developing and following through transitional activities that can help you switch between the two realms. Activities such as listening to music or recorded books during your evening commute, exercising at the fitness center, running errands, or keeping personal appointments can prevent you from spending those extra hours at the office.

Set realistic work goals

Setting goals a mile long can put more work stress on you than you might care to admit. Besides the pressure of over work, there is also the off chance of you starving time off other important things to satisfy your desire to be “productive”.

Goals are important but for them to really work, they have to be realistic. Setting realistic work goals can give you a sense of control and accomplishment as you cross them out. It is better to take it slow. Achieving a small number of set tasks per day can translate to big achievements overtime.

Don’t burn yourself out!

Activate dynamic work mode

There are a few changes to your work routine that can greatly help with achieving a healthy work-life balance. Make small changes to your routine; like a switch to walking meetings, instead of the all seated ones and prioritizing activities to help you clear out task much easily and quicker.

Also, if you can, engaging in physical exercises during break periods can reinvigorate your body and get you recharged for better productivity once back at your desk.

Communicate effectively

Communication is important. If you are having troubles with work or going through a rough patch at work, it will do you well to speak up. Effective communication can help solve issues before they blow up.

If you can, speak to a manager or HR supervisor but if not, you can take advantage of other platforms. Online counseling platforms like BetterHelp that offer workplace therapy for employees who need someone to speak to or help with their mental health.

You an also speak to your friends and family. Share with them how you feel, and bring to speed with what’s happening so no one feels left out. Effective communication with the people that matter would help you form a better work-life balance.

Final Thoughts

Getting the best out of everything in life requires balance. To excel at work and at life, you have to find the right mix that works for you. The tips above are a good start, however, examine your unique situation and only apply them as they fit.

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