Esme Bianco details physical and emotional abuse allegations against Marilyn Manson

Esme Bianco has alleged Marilyn Manson physically and emotionally abused her during their relationship.

The 'Game of Thrones' actress had previously revealed she developed PTSD because of a "domestic-violence relationship", but didn't name her alleged abuser at the time.

But following the 'Dope Show' singer's former fiancee Evan Rachel Wood and a number of other women accusing him of abuse and sexual misconduct, Esme has accused Marilyn of leaving her with physical scars and PTSD during the two months they lived together at his Los Angeles home while dating in 2011, a time in which she felt like a “prisoner".

The 38-year-old star branded the 52-year-old rocker - whose real name is Brian Warner - as a “massive role model who really helped me through some incredibly dark and difficult times as a teenager” to a “monster who almost destroyed me and almost destroyed so many women".

Esme was first introduced to her teenage idol Marilyn in 2005, through his then-wife Dita Von Teese, and they remained friends and kept in touch following the couple's divorce in 2007.

Two years later, Esme - who was married at the time - was asked by the 'Fight Song' singer to star in the music video for his song 'I Want to Kill You Like They Do in the Movies.'

She stated that he'd told her the video was centred on a "kidnapping" and that she'd "have to pretend to like being manhandled" by him for promo.

Esme agreed to shoot the video and has alleged she faced physical and sexual violence at the hands of Marilyn on set.

Esme also claimed Marilyn once cut her torso with a knife and she "didn't fight it".

In an Interview with The Cut, she recalled: "I just remember laying there, and I didn’t fight it. It was kind of this final-straw moment where I had lost all sense of hope and safety."

The actress left Marilyn in May 2011, after he allegedly chased her around his home with an axe.

Speaking about their relationship, she added: “I came and went at his pleasure. Who I spoke to was completely controlled by him. I called my family hiding in the closet.”

Esme suffered from night terrors and panic attacks years after the end of their relationship and claimed her career was derailed after 'Game of Thrones' ended.

She said: "I couldn’t step up to meet that moment in my life because of what he’d done to me."

Marilyn has previously denied the abuse allegations made against him, including those made by Evan, who accused him of “grooming” her when she was a teenager.

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