The Democrats' Impeachment of the American Republic

WASHINGTON — The Democrats’ opening arguments during their second unconstitutional impeachment of now former-President Trump, have been stomach-churning. Not because Donald Trump has done anything wrong. But because, just like Impeachment #1, this impeachment is a sham. Actually more than a sham. It is a Kangaroo Court where the presiding jurist is not a jurist at all. Worse, this shameful kabuki theater is the Democrats’ latest gambit in their bizarre impeachment of the American Republic itself.

Chief Justice Roberts knew what the Democrats are up to is unconstitutional, morally wrong and bordering on sedition. Somewhere along the line, Democrats forget the lessons of morality — lessons that should be intuitively obvious to anyone still capable of reason. Right is right. Wrong is never right. This remains true regardless of how many times radicalized House Democrats stomp their feet and declare their superiority to the rest of us in all things.

All of which leads us to ask: Just who the hell do Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer think they’re superior to? Jerry Nadler? Maybe. They’re certainly not superior to their marginalized American constituency, assuming they even have one.

Donald Trump knew when he decided to run for President that the Deep State was destroying the American Republic.

It is not that Donald Trump is a seer or a prophet. He is an American, just like the rest of us. And, like you and me, he saw what was, and is once again, happening to our democratic American Republic. It was already dangling by a thread under the lawless and unconstrained Obama administration. But Trump alone seemed to understand that the real problems of 21st Century America — unemployment, energy dependence, unfair applications of Government, runaway costs of healthcare and prescription drugs and the constant, vicious assaults on Judeo-Christianity and Judaism — were still fixable.

Having won Election 2016 against all odds, President Trump set out to fix the nation’s real problems, which amounted to a deliberate political neglect and contempt for the American people. He strongly focused on restoring our underfunded military, including our shamefully disintegrating Veterans Administration, whose arrogant bureaucrats routinely left our aging WWII, Korean War and Vietnam vets to die while waiting for treatments that never happened.

In particular, his care for the needs of troops returning from war zones with catastrophic brain and body injuries was paramount. Although the media’s coverage of this was nonexistent throughout his administration.

President Trump solved America’s energy problem in less than 3 years

President Trump knew America needed actual energy independence to solve the challenge mounted by hostile foreign governments. He also knew that independence could eventually help fun a transition into green energies while continuing to reduce harmful air pollutants.

He knew as well that America’s southern border needed renewed controls to halt illegal aliens from invading the country and taking substandard wages that kept increasing numbers of Americans from getting back to work. Tightening border restrictions also helped reduce crime and protect our kids from drugs. Moreover, with the COVID virus continuously on the move, the need to stop mass illegal immigration became even more important in slowing or halting new waves of this fast-spreading pandemic.

Former Virginia attorney general and onetime gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, who served the Trump administration admirably in the latter part of its term, spoke with Newsmax on this issue.

“Acting Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli is warning that thousands of migrants expected to reach the U.S.-Mexico border in the coming weeks could spark a surge in coronavirus cases…Let’s be very clear about that, it is an absolute human Petri dish opportunity for the transmission of a demonstrably very transmissible virus, and then we have to worry about this new strain now….”

Joe Biden reverses American progress in less than three weeks in office

While state officials keep American small businesses and schools hostage, Biden opened the floodgates for more infection by effectively inviting new caravans of Central Americans — and who knows who else— to head for our country’s newly wide-open borders. He (or his handlers) literally chose to endanger the American economy and a majority of American citizens, likely to please AOC and her squad as well as the Bernie Bros who had reluctantly endorsed Biden’s 2020 candidacy.

Indeed, Biden rushed to cancel, via Executive Orders, nearly everything Trump had accomplished for the good of the people and the American Republic. This has already created instability, unrest, and even the specter of instant poverty for those hard working Americans whose jobs he erased with a flourish of his pen. At last count, the ruinous Executive Orders he signed in a just a few scant weeks now number over 52. But wasn’t it candidate Biden who proclaimed that any politician who governs by executive order versus consent is a dictator?

No matter. Today, Dictator Joe Biden is, at least theoretically, in charge of America. Meanwhile, President Trump is the target of the second unconstitutional impeachment process thrown at him in a single 12-month period.

After Trump’s Stalinist show trial, can we impeach Barack Obama now?

God helps those that first help themselves is not an exceptionalist statement. It is the truth.

Joe Biden helps himself first and American citizens and the American Republic last, if at all. For America to do well both physically and economically under Trump, also meant that the world could likewise do better. President Trump’s foreign policy astonished the world numerous times, beginning with his walking into North Korea to greet President Kim Jong Un in the Demilitarized Zone. Trump’s very real but also symbolic action was not meant to honor the dictator. But it emphasized Trump’s philosophy that you have to talk to people — even those you may not like — rather than isolate them. Assuming your goal is actual peace.

President Trump left office with North Korea still a work-in-progress. But he departed from Washington with an epic foreign policy victory that no one anywhere in the world thought would ever happen. Moving the American embassy in that country from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Trump underlined this country’s recognition of Israel as an established state. Late in his term, one by one, Israel’s long-time enemies joined with the Trump Administration and America in recognizing Israel and by beginning to establish diplomatic relations with that country.

That Middle East stability the Trump Administration painstakingly put in place led to the historic Abraham Accords; A Declaration of Peace, Cooperation, and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly Relations. This joint statement, reached on August 13, 2020 and endorsed by Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States, rapidly moved these nations, ,and gradually other nations as well, toward a lasting peace in the Middle East.

The rest is history. Or could be. Unless, of course, the Biden inner circle decides to return to the Obama Administration’s murderous and failed anti-Israel policy of sending pallets of US dollars to Iran to fund a new wave of Middle East terror.

But Middle East peace has never been a goal of the Democrats.

Nor was it the goal for many Republicans for that matter. Leaving the blood of what President Trump often calls our most sacred treasure trickling into the sands of the Middle East is not a problem for the Democrats who run The Swamp. Neither is energy independence. Or a strong middle-class workforce, both of which would seriously jeopardize the incoming Socialist People’s Republic of America.

God is myth and allegiance to America means that we somehow hold our country above all others. Or so claim the Democrats’ now America’s true Socialist Party, despite its patriotic veneer. These all-too-real tyrant dictators of America enshrine themselves in the Constitution in direct defiance of the Constitution’s support for the idea of peace and prosperity in a land of freedom. After all, the notion of individual rights and individual responsibility are so 1950s. So antiquated. So out of touch. Real American history is bad and must be erased.

The Democrats’ Impeachment of Reality: Transgender fights mirrors Democrat insanity.

Equally bad, unfortunately, is the biologically determined difference between little girls and little boys. Today, they must be taught to not only question their worth as people but also their very gender identity. Today, 0.7% of children question their sexuality or identify as transgender.

Democrats feel that “transgendered” individuals somehow deserve more more respect than their non-transgender peers. They propagate the notion Creation was wrong and humans are “Its.” This is an audacious attempt to play God and muddle sexuality making everyone the same when they are not – physically or emotionally. Most people appreciate that difference. They don’t appreciate transgender manipulation. But Democrats don’t care. They have contempt for the American people, to the point where we now have ringside seats to view the Democrats’ Impeachment of Reality.

Overnight, transgenders now “deserve” more access to sports, according to liberals. Particularly in situations where transgendeed male athletes can dominate even the best female athletes. It is now acceptable to take opportunities away from female athletes who depend on sports scholarships to attend college, just as much as their male counterparts do. Just as long as the process fits the Democrats’ transgender narrative. Significantly, NOW is missing in action with regard to this issue. On their current website, they have nothing to say about this crucial issue. Save for their endorsement of LGBTQ “rights.” How does this square with feminism?

The end of women’s athletics? Where are the feminists?

An article entitled Trans Athletes Are Posting Victories and Shaking Up Sports highlights Laurel Hubbard. This transgendered 41-year-old weightlifter from New Zealand trained to compete as a woman in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, thus eliminating any chance for a female weightlifter to successfully compete. Turning transgender in order to compete for one of sports’ highest honors is just a little too convenient. But no one dare criticize this blatant gender hypocrisy that discriminates against biological females. Or, “cisgendered” females as we’re supposed to call them.

Beyond hormones, science clearly supports the fact that a biological male’s sturdier skeleton and more substantial muscle mass is significantly stronger than the similar structures of a biological female. In very few instances can a woman weightlifter successfully compete against a male lifter. So why allow transgendered male athletes compete against females? And win every time? Again, where are the feminists on this issue? And where’s the media outrage?

Yet Democrats are rewriting laws in the name of equity.

The Democrats’ Impeachment mania also involves the sanctification of “wokeness” over our Constitutional regard for fairness and equality for all Americans, regardless of race. “Equity,” the latest socialist buzzword, really means taking away the rights of the many to favor the advantage of a few. This is not only true in sports. It now stretches into all levels of life. It involves immigration, jobs, health-care, and Constitutional rights to name just a few key points.

Liberals forget that gender is not only physical but mental and spiritual too. Every human inherently knows who he or she is. Each gender possesses physical and hard-wired traits that define their biological sex. For instance – women give birth, and babies know their own mothers even in the animal kingdom.

There’s no “equity” when it comes to bearing a child. Nor can we find “equity” in taking its life prematurely through abortion. Yet transgenders, LGBTQ and other such groups deserve, according to Democrats, more rights than babies can claim. Kamala Harris effectively endorsed this bizarre notion of “equity” on the campaign trail during Election 2020.

Ending the American Republic: “Equity” is another name for Communism

Indeed, “equity” is another name for Communism, and it is quickly becoming the core of the Democrats’ manifesto. Today’s Democrats rely on words that are abstract in order to distract from the real issues. What Harris and other Deep Staters don’t tell you is that equity cannot be reached without forcing everyone, regardless of race or religion, regardless of years spent working and saving, down to the same sub-standard level.

Once the Democrats’ Impeachment scenario is complete, ensuring we are all miserable together, then, they claim, we can all rise together in a totally “transformed” American Republic. Unfortunately, as we already see in Venezuela, the governed are those most miserable, and not those who do the governing. Governing elites, like Nancy Pelosi and her fridge full of luxury ice cream treats, enjoy the largess. Meanwhile, if we are to survive, you and the rest of us will learn new recipes for rat rat-a-touile.

And we know that is as much of a lie as the Democrats are foisting on us in Congress today.

But when Democrats do anything, it is not so much what they do, but why they do it. Throughout the Trump Presidency, Democrats kept the House and Senate busy with committees to investigate the President and his family.

Scorecard: The Democrats’ Impeachment cadre helped impeach the President. Twice. They likewise goaded Senate Democrats to smear and dishonor now-Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his tragically farcical Senate confirmation hearings.

But why did they tie our American Republic in knots for four years? To stop the business of the House and the Senate on behalf of the American people, that’s why. For decades now, the Democrats’ constant goal, shared, unfortunately, with the all-Democrat Deep State bureaucracy, is to fast track the Democrats’ discriminatory socialist agenda under Democrat presidents, while slow-walking or completely thwarting any efforts by Republican presidents to reverse the socialist course.

Quite simply, the evidence is clear.

Democrats don’t give a damn about Americans and never have, at least since the mid-1960s. And within this dark evil, there is total “equity.” They do not actually care about any of us, including traditional liberal and independent voters. Without ceasing, they pander to race, religion and an anti-white sentiment because it helps them to be victims. Victims of “whiteness,” and “white privilege,” whatever these unfounded phrases mean. Likewise, alleged “victims” of Judeo-Christian morality. All these and more are simply victims, wronged and harmed by any and everything that a white conservative or libertarian might say or do. And remember, this means black conservatives and independents as well.

As Uncle Joe says, “if you ain’t voting for me you ain’t black.”

An American Dystopia is rapidly replacing the American Republic. The Democrats’ Impeachment agenda is putting the final nails into the coffin of our individual freedoms.

*— Headline image: Cartoon by Garrison. Reproduced with permission and by arrangement with Modified to fit CDN graphic format.*

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