Rethink, Regroup and Rebuild, both for now and for the future  

WASHINGTON – The first month of 2021 is now behind us. Looking back, what I found interesting in 2020 was how fast that year seemed to pass. A great many people worked remotely and remained at home in general, and most business activities shifted to video calls. As a result, many thought the year would pass by slowly. But instead, the year seemed to go by at warp speed. Even January of the 2021 just passed us by in the blink of a second. So, if we haven’t done so already, it’s time for us all to rethink, regroup and rebuild for a joyful and successful 2021.

Rethink: Efficient work habits, environments and time management skills

Working efficiently and effectively by using our time management and organization skills is of the utmost importance in the current environment. With many of our kids remaining at home and ranging in age from nursery school to college, we all need rethink what we’re doing to help create and maintain an environment that allows both adults and children to work and play. That might even involve designing or redesigning spaces that work and prove comfortable in this busy environment.

But, since we aren’t quite sure what the new normal will look like, I think it’s important to rethink our situation. And having done so, to set up some type of routine or schedule that provides us with something that’s constant in our lives. For example, eating our meals together, setting a homework time, monitoring how many Zoom calls we are on, can help create some consistency and structure in our family’s lives. Where we still have opportunities to gain some control over our lives, we should certainly take advantage of this.

Also Read: Resilience and strength: A story we can all learn from

Regroup with these helpful time management tips

Here are a few tips to help you manage today’s Covid Chaos. If you’d like to move ahead with a time management, tool simply email me at

*elf-time and Self-care*

I am putting this important tip first because most people tend to put it last. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to help others. Make sure you schedule downtime for yourself during the day. Take breaks. Rethink. Try just “being.”

We should be called human doers instead of human beings. Most of us do, do, do! We are not machines, though sometimes we may feel like machines. But remember, even machines need to be well-oiled. So take good care of yourself. After you rethink your current situation, you can begin to regroup.

Start out with the basics, first by staying healthy. And if you go out, follow safety guidelines. Be respectful.


A pause allows you to take a breath, to be present, and to be at choice. Therefore, pausing gives you a chance to rethink, to regroup, and to rebuild.

As well-known Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl noted:

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

*e Positive*

When making decisions, you want to be sure you are coming from a positive mindset. Making fear-based decisions typically doesn’t bring you the outcomes you desire. Focus on what you have, not on what’s missing. Otherwise, it may become difficult to regroup. Remember that we all possess the opportunity to be happy and to move forward.

*e Present*

In the present, we are fully alive and engaged in what we’re doing. It’s okay to think in the past or the future. But, as you rethink and regroup, be sure bring yourself back to the present. Only in the present can we can be at choice.

*lear the clutter*

If you want to clear your head and begin to rebuild, start dealing with the clutter around you and within you. There are three types of clutter.

1. Emotional; 2. Electronic; and 3. Physical.

Clear your head of negative self-talk. Then clear your physical space of anything you are not using or planning to use and clear your computer of the hundreds of emails that just sit there. When you clear the clutter, you can focus better and with clarity. And you can start to rebuild.

*ebuild, and Be Productive*

If you haven’t set goals, it’s a great idea to do so. That’s because they help us navigate our lives. Make a reasonable “to do” list. Then go through it item by item as you continue to rebuild.

Remember: People feel good when they are productive. You can actually feel their energy when they succeed. So for starters, write down a couple of personal goals and professional goals you want to achieve. Then set your sight firmly on accomplishing them.

A New Year, a new approach, and giving thanks to those who help us every day

The new year has gotten off to a quick start. In 2021, most headlines in the news continue to involve vaccines and politics. But differing from the standard gloom and doom reports, a more recent voice of hope and promise is breaking through, wishing us all to be well and safe this year. After all, our stressed medical community doesn’t need more patients!

In the meantime, here’s a big thank you to all people who have been in service during the current pandemic, and who remain busy volunteering to help our country and our world. They all inspire us to realize that it’s our duty to leave the Earth in good shape for the generations to come. Let’s all work together to advance that ideal. Rethink, regroup and rebuild!

*– Headline image: Image by kalhh from Pixabay. In the public domain, CC 0.0 license.
Modified slightly to conform to CDN space requirements.*


*NOTE: I will be running a webinar this coming March that you will find empowering. The topic: ‘Thriving During Challenging Times with Resilience and Positive Self Talk.”* It’s all about “Taking Command of Your Life!“ More information about this will be forthcoming. If you are interested, we have started an attendee list. Just send me your name and email to be added to the list. More contact info below.

*o learn more about this and other topics, here is a link to my book:*
*ontact: Susan Commander Samakow, PCC, CPCC*
Professional Certified Coach, Facilitator, Trainer & Author

Business, Life, Leadership & Career Coaching
Positive Self-Talk/Confidence Strategies, Resilience Techniques & Transition Work
Former ICF Metro DC President
Enhanced C-IQ Coach
EFT Practitioner


Ask Susan about her coaching packages and the Stress Reducing techniques she teaches: EFT (Tapping) and Breathing Exercises.

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