First it was Qanon. Now what the heck is Pelosi's Blue Anon?

Recently a lot has been reported about the website, QAnon. All reports coming from MSM organizations are negative, creating the image of those who explore the possibilities of left-wing motivation as being conspiracy theory nuts, or simply a right-wing cabal. Those MSM sites reporting this gather their information on conservative movements from an organization that has been named Blue Anon. So what, exactly, is Blue Anon?

Blue Anon is not an organization, per se, it is a philosophy.

A leftist philosphy that sprouts imaginative attacks against conservatives in general, and specifically targets President Trump. It is every left-wing radical that smears the growing conservative movement in America. Nancy Pelosi and her fears of insurrection leading to a demeaned Capitol being a prime example.

And, yes, the conservative movement is growing by leaps and bounds, ever since the 2020 election.


Blue Anon is a loosely organized group of Democrat voters, politicians, and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories, such as the Russia hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington kids hoax, Brett Kavanaugh hoax, insurrection hoax, climate emergency hoax, and systemic racism hoax.

Don’t forget the massive fib about police targeting unarmed blacks.

A recent poll found that a majority of people on the left said that over 1,000 unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019. The actual number is 13, there were 27 in 2020. Yes, only 13, and almost all were justified. That shows how skewered and out of proportion MSM reporting is.

The MSM is firmly a part of Blue Anon.

In contrast, only 18 % of conservatives polled thought that over 1000 unarmed blacks had been gunned down by police, while that number jumped to 38 % for independents.

Showing that more conservatives and independents explore other means for their information than do Democrats.

It demonstrates that leftists aren’t living in reality.

It clearly proves that the MSM doesn’t have a monopoly on the truth, no matter how arrogantly they make the claim. They are just as susceptible to their biases as anyone else. In fact, more actual facts eminate from conservative new sources than from the MSM.

And they are willing to do, and say, anything to “prove” their point of view, even if it includes altering evidence, as NBC did with the call from George Zimmerman when first confronting Trayvon Martin, to using provocative words like insurrection to describe an illegal demonstration that it was. Of course, this only scratched the surface of left-wing hoaxes. There are many more.

Like the fantasy Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capital Hill

And it will happen any day now with the goal to “remove” lawmakers from office. This unbelievable fear-mongering affected every left-wing politician, including frail, demented Biden, to the point that they deployed thousands of National Guard troops around the U.S. Capitol, and fenced off the public from politicians on an ongoing basis.

While QAnon, which is yet another left-wing hoax, because it is merely a discussion group, even though it is portrayed in the MSM as a militia ready to strike at a moments notice, is simply a fringe group of people who love to discuss conspiracy theories, Blue Anon is mainstream throughout the Democrat party and all leftist, no matter their stripes.

The glue that holds together this amalgamation of left-wing conspiracy theorists is their hatred of Donald J. Trump

And everything connected to him. That includes anyone who voted for him, anyone who sees anything that he has accomplished as being good, and anyone who isn’t a far-left Marxist-loving fool. Hillary named us deplorable during her failed 2016 campaign for president.

And that is exactly what the coalition of left-wing groups, now named Blue Anon, thinks of the rest of America. Where Antifa is an actual organization that receives financing, command and control, and has an infrastructure, that somehow FBI Director Christopher Wray was unable to locate, so he called it an idea, Blue Anon is simply that. An idea of a Marxist America, or of a multi-culture that cannot exist, that is bound by hatred of more conservative Americans.

Blue Anon is an idea held together by left-wing politics. Nothing more. It describes those who spew left-wing conspiracies, fake news, fantasy, and out right lies to demean, disillusion, and gain an advantage over those who are not them.

Now you know.


About the author:

Joseph Ragonese is a veteran of the United States Air Force, a retired police officer, has a degree in Criminal Justice, a businessman, journalist, editor, publisher, and fiction author.

His last book, “The Sword of Mohammad,” can be purchased at in paperback or kindle edition.
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