Biden's dystopian view of America and the continuing lockdowns

Forget the malarkey, it’s bad mojo. The path America was on has done a 180 degree flip in the last year. COVID was made official in March of 2020 and since then it has been one day after another of bad mojo and karmic backlashes, of the lockdown of our cities, towns, and neighborhoods. The riots. Destruction. Hate. The vilification of more than half of the American people who believe in America, one nation under God. And the rights and liberties of the republic as enshrined in our Consitution. Joe Biden’s view of America turns 277 years of optimism into a fearful future.

A year ago we were optimistic.

The best economy of record. Lowest unemployment across the board on record. Fewer people on welfare. More people saving. A Wall Street showing repeatedly stronger and strong numbers. And a President who with his infectious smile and belief in America and the American people had us believing that tomorrow could be as bright, if not brighter than today.

From January 20, 2017, to today, after the President has left Washington, Democrats have been issuing forth dismay, destruction, and death to America. They have divided us, along with the sycophant media, along lines of political ideology. An ideology that is so harmful that it erodes that which makes all of us – regardless of race, religion, or politics – Americans.

They are creating an America where BLM and ANTIFA warlords terrorize communities, burn down neighborhoods, and were Democrats, screaming that everything is fair and just, stole the Presidential election. They are bringing the third world into our cities and rural communities.

And our feckless foes in Congress let them.

Then COVID hit our shores.

President Trump’s response was immediate and instantly demonized by the Democrats who were too busy impeaching the President to help mount a defense against the China virus. Somewhere along the line our politicians, Democrats, RINOs and Never Trumpers alike, never thought that a businessman from Queens, with little to no support from inside the beltway, could harness a pandemic – not just an epidemic within our borders – but a pandemic affecting the world.

They preferred to throw the President and America under the bus instead of working with him on behalf of the people. A fake impeachment was more important than our people. Democrat power was more important than our nation. Not giving Trump a “win” was more important than the lives of more than 15,000 people dead in New York. Killed by ineptness of Gov. Cuomo who did not send them to isolation aboard the Comfort Hospital Ship, but instead into ill-equipped nursing homes. And then lied about it. More on that later.

But President Trump did meet the virus head on. President Trump jumped in, learning as he went. Unfortunately, he once again relied on the wrong people. In this case, Fauci became instantly drunk on the adoration of the left. The more he contradicted the President, the more draconian his response, the better the left loved him.

Loved him so much, he is now on the Biden COVID team that is taking every opportunity to claim credit for Operation Warp Speed’s results. To the point that even Fauci had to stand up and correct the narrative.

CNSNEWS reporting in “Fauci Contradicts Pelosi Claim Trump ‘Didn’t Even Have a Plan’ for Vaccine Production, Distribution”

The Trump administration “didn’t even have a plan” for producing and distributing a coronavirus vaccine, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared Thursday – a claim contradicted that same day by Pres. Joe Biden’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Pelosi made the claim twice in opening remarks at a press conference, saying that Trump “Didn’t even have a plan” and “had no real plan” for producing and distributing the coronavirus vaccine:

“What did we learn this morning? We learned this morning that the Trump Administration had no real plan for the production and distribution of the vaccine. Just another in a series of their terrible, ineffective approach to it from the start, in denial, delay, distortion, calling it a hoax, and now we find that they don’t — that they didn’t even have a plan.”

But, when Fauci addressed reporters on Thursday, he said the Biden Administration is “not starting from scratch,” but merely “taking what’s gone on” and “amplifying” it:

“We certainly are not starting from scratch, because there is activity going on in the distribution. But, if you look at the plan that the president has put forth about the things that he’s going to do, namely, get community vaccine centers up, get pharmacies more involved, where appropriate, get the Defense Production Act involved, not only, perhaps, in getting more vaccine, but even the things you need to get a good vaccine program. For example, needles and syringes that might be more useful in that.

So it’s taking what’s gone on, but amplifying it in a big way.

But here is the real story. Search “Fauci contradicts Trump” there are pages of Fauci contradicts President Trump blogs and articles. Search “Fauci contradicts Pelosi” and only the CNSNews article pops up on the first results page on

The Democrat lockdowns did not work to stop COVID

The Democrat’s response was such that you would swear that there has never been a virus that threatened life in the US before. But you would be wrong. The only thing threatening life has been Democrat Governors and politicians and their predictable knee-jerk response aimed at gaining more power.

When COVID first broke, there was panic, courtesy of the Obama/Biden administration because no one knew what we were facing. A natural flu variant to germ warfare and everything in between discussed ad nauseam. What we did know was that we were not prepared with the medical equipment, on the state level, to protect the front-end health care workers.

So we agreed to a few weeks of staying home, staying healthy, in order to get things under control. And President Trump got them under control. He got the ships and Army MASH units deployed. The President and his COVID response team identified that the elderly, sick, and very young were more likely to die from the disease.

However, population decreases and control are on the Democrat agenda.

In Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), where the United States Supreme Court, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., SCOTUS ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, “for the protection and health of the state” did not violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Need you be reminded that Clinton calls conservatives deplorable. Biden calls them neanderthals. Schumer calls conservatives extortionists. Pelosi calls Republicans legislative arsonists. Barck Obama coined saboteurs. Sen Dick Durbin (D-Ill) likes squealing political pigs and terrorists. Then there is Re-thug-licans and basement dwellers. Sen. Angus King (I-Main) just called them all “murderers” in his opinion.

In Gates’ Eugenics End Goal – Population Control a chilling history of eugenics and population control is revealed.

It was Gates to [sic] called together a group of Billionaires to sell his concerns about reducing the population in 2009. While we know that was the topic, nobody wants to talk about details. This entire Coronavirus scam is part of his end-goal to control the population.

Given Gates’ father’s involvement in Planned Parenthood and a member of eugenics, you would think someone would investigate. Add Gates’ push to then eliminate all paper money to be able to tag everyone on the planet and control the entire world economy through his ID efforts, you would think this is the plot of a James Bond megalomaniac villain. Microsoft even just announced on January 9, 2020, their Microsoft Identity solutions project. Gates resigned from the board of Microsoft allegedly only to try to distance himself for PR purposes.

In the article “Yuri Bezmenov, a chilling agenda: Four steps to create a Marxist police state” writer Joseph Ragonese outlines very clearly how Democrats are using Marxist policies to destroy American freedoms. A step is never taken before, despite health challenges throughout the 20th Century. Ragonese details:

“Whole nations were shut down, free citizens locked in their houses under threat of arrest and prosecution. Businesses shuttered, leading to a humanitarian crisis the world has never before seen. All this for a pandemic when America has survived so many in the past. Just in the 21st century, we have fought Typhoid (1906), H1N1/The Spanish Flue (1918), Diptheria (1921), Polio (1916-1955), H2N2 (1957), Measles (1981-1991), H1N1 (2009 return), Pertussis (2010, 2014), HIV (1980 to present), Ebola (2014). Yet in none of these health crises did the government overtake the people to the extent we have allowed.

America has acquired more debt in the past year, to counter the effects of China flu, than ever before in its history. And Biden is requesting more debt. Enough debt to bankrupt this nation if not controlled. Yet there seem to be no controls in place as Biden simply tries to throw money to nations around the world.”

The COVID-19 Lockdowns being a convenient way to begin enslaving the American people by destroying small businesses, such as the local or regional grocery store, in favor of big-box stores that are easier to unionize and control. By removing the local gathering place, and our right to gather.

Nancy Pelosi’s, anything but democratic, chain link and razor wire wall

There are some brave journalists, Senators, and Representatives in the House questioning the “security barrier” around the Capitol. A security barrier bolstered by National Guard troops that were not called in to protect the President and Congress during the riots during and after Trump’s inauguration. Days of rage that resulted in injuries to at least six police officers and the destruction and looting of numerous high-end stores along K-Street.

But Nancy’s barbed wire has nothing to do with protecting congress. It is there to protect the Democrats in their bid to destroy American further. While Black Lives Matter can be occupied by protestors, the idea of Americans wanting to voice their opinions as to the destructive actions of Democrats in the White House and Congress is not allowed. Justice has been muzzled.

The Dystopian President

All of this is end-capped by Joe Biden emerging behind the podium for a 23-minute doom and gloom, Americans are selfish, and maybe by July 4th (anyone else seeing the incongruity of this date?), we can see grandma again. Biden did not address the people with hope, optimism or a message to go forth and rebuild the economy. Despite lowering death and hospitalization numbers and most Americans feeling that the China virus is under control and something we will learn to live with (see above list of US epidemics we have learned to live with), Biden treated America to a scary, dystopian view of our future.

There was no point to the address. Other than to let us know that America is a depressing place, that even the vaccine will not help, because well, it is the result of President Trump, and that Americans must do the unthinkable — remain isolated in their homes, scared, alone and without financial means.

And by the way, we are sending Trillions of dollars to overseas countries and to bail out Democrat states and advance the Democrat agenda. So go sit on your couch and get used to it.

Biden’s truth is nothing but lies

Biden, who has a list of lies, mistruths, plagiarism, and gaffes in his toolbox, kept saying he was going to tell the truth. He quoted a woman he allegedly met who told him her heart’s desire: “‘I just want the truth. The truth. Just tell me the truth.'”

“Tell the truth,” Biden said again.

“My fellow Americans,” he said, “you’re owed nothing less than the truth.”

Later, he added, “I will tell you the truth.”

And then he said, “In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be traveling along with the first lady” and a whole host of others “to tell you the truth.”

Biden would not know the truth if it was written on a teleprompter, he has proven this time and time again.

20th Century thinker Heinz von Foerster (1911-2002) a protege of his uncle, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and his writing the Tractatus logico pholosphicus (Latin for Logical Philosophical Treatise). In the article Truth is the Invention of a Liar – Centenary of the birth of Heinz von Foerster, Detlef Lafrentz writes:

Anyone who claims to speak the truth says something about himself but not about the truth. That is the meaning of HvF’s sentence: “Truth is the invention of a liar”.

Or as social media repeats “How do you know a Democrat is lying? Their lips are moving.” And I might add, they are smiling.

*Next Article: The Truth About the Mexico – US border.*

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