WATCH: Rep. Tim Ryan Lays Into GOP – ‘Stop Talking About Dr. Seuss & Work With Us!’

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) (Photo: U.S. House of Representatives)

In the past week a number of Republican lawmakers have gotten fired up about the publishers of the Dr. Seuss children’s books choosing to stop production on books with racially offensive imagery. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) slammed Republicans on the House floor on Tuesday for focusing on the Dr. Seuss books and neglecting Americans workers suffering most during the pandemic.

The Seuss images include exaggerated portrayals of people from China and Africa that are offensive. After no GOP senators or House members voted for the American Rescue Plan stimulus package, conservatives attacked the publisher’s choice as an example of so-called “cancel culture.”

“Heaven forbid we pass something that’s going to help the damn workers in the United States of America! Heaven forbid we tilt the balance that has been going in the wrong direction for 50 years,” Ryan said on the House floor, then taking aim at GOP lawmakers. “Now stop talking about Dr. Seuss, and start working with us on behalf of the American workers.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) posted a video of himself reading the Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs & Ham, which confusingly is not one of the books being dropped from production. “I still like Dr. Seuss, so I decided to read Green Eggs and Ham,” said McCarthy, seemingly not realizing that the book is still being produced.

Ryan’s comments came one day before the final Congressional vote on President Joe Biden‘s American Rescue Plan. The stimulus will offer immediate relief to schools, business and state governments after passing with zero Republican votes.


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