Anne-Marie rules out Botox

Anne-Marie will never get Botox.

The 29-year-old singer admitted she would never be able to hide the cosmetic treatment if she did decide to get it because her face is so expressive.

She told The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column: "I knew my facial expressions were quite intense but I didn’t know they were that extreme. It’s a lot, isn’t it?

“I’d like to apologise to people for that. But it’s a good way to be, I think — or not, because I can’t hide how I’m feeling.

“You have to take me as I come, because there’s no other way of dealing with me."

When it was suggested that she would never be able to secretly have Botox because of her expressive face, she quipped: "Yeah, f***. I might have to stop doing it so that nobody notices after a while."

Anne-Marie also revealed that she feels physically and mentally better after hiring a personal trainer to help her shift the weight she put on during the COVID-19 lockdown.

She said: "I think I’m quite well known for my double chin so I feel comfortable with people seeing it. But I think when it comes to feeling happy and actually having energy to be able to film for long periods of time, that’s what it comes down to.

“I think it was weirdly easier to stay in shape when I was on tour because we were performing on stage and there was always a gym in the hotels.

"Since being in lockdown I put on a stone just eating c***. I did lose a bit of weight and then I was like, ‘This is all good but I actually need to feel strong’, so I started doing the PT sessions and the lady that I’m doing it with is so fit.

“I feel so much better, honestly. It is annoying and a cliche but as soon as I start eating well and working out, I actually feel happier.”

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