Former Pentagon Chief Christopher Miller Defends Trump’s Late Response To Capitol Insurrection

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 6: Supporters of US President Donald Trump protest inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. - Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the 2020 presidential...

The former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, who served under former President Donald Trump and during the Capitol insurrection, defended the military’s late response to the deadly riots. Miller argued that military presence at the riots would increase fear and likely lead to more deaths.

“And some 51 years ago, on May 4, 1970, Ohio national guard troops fired at demonstrators at Kent State University and killed four American civilians,” Miller said. “I was committed to avoiding repeating these scenarios.”

Miller defended Trump, denying claims that he failed to properly discourage rioters. Miller alongside former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and District of Columbia police chief Robert Contee III were the most-senior officials present at the hearing.

“This isn’t a video game where you can move forces with a flick of the thumb or a movie that glosses over the logistical challenges and the time required to coordinate and synchronize with the multitude of other entities involved, or with complying with the important legal requirements involved in the use of such forces,“ Miller said.


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