Shaun Ryder says ADHD diagnosis was a 'eureka moment'

Shaun Ryder's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis was a "eureka moment".

The 58-year-old music star was diagnosed with the condition - which causes inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness - last year and he confessed that "lots of things suddenly made sense" to him after it was confirmed by experts.

The Happy Mondays frontman - whose erratic behaviour was previously attributed to his heavy drug use - explained: "It's an absolute eureka moment because it explained everything."

Shaun thinks his diagnosis explains why he's lived a "wildly chaotic life".

Speaking on 'White Wine Question Time', he added: "I couldn't learn. Your brain is not wired up the same, the messages don't shoot across.

"I had trouble understanding what people were saying, because there’s other sorts of conditions with it - you know, controlling your temper and your emotions and everything else."

Shaun found out about his condition after having some concerns about his daughter.

He explained: "I've got six kids, and four of them have got it.

"My daughter, who's 12, when sort of things had gone a bit skew-whiff, we had to start looking into it and that's when I found out it’s got to come from somewhere - and it's all come from me."

Shaun actually thinks that having ADHD turned him towards drugs during his younger years.

The singer recalled taking drugs in order to make himself feel more "normal" and less "uncomfortable".

Shaun - who now practices meditation to help ease his symptoms - shared: "Drugs made me feel normal. I was a fidgeter - I couldn’t keep still. I always felt uncomfortable and then as soon as I took certain drugs, I didn’t feel uncomfortable. I could sit still without moving about."

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