Charlie Munger Calls NothingCoin ‘Innovative And Favorable To The Interests Of Civilization’

In what could be the flip flop of the century, Charlie Munger, old man, called NothingCoin a very innovative and favorable interest to civilization.

Q1 2021 hedge fund letters, conferences and more

Munger Says NothingCoin Looks Promising

“This NothingCoin thing actually looks very promising,” Munger stated on CNBC. “All of these crypto gurus say how their little invisible computer code on the internet is going to be life changing, special, magical, blah, blah, blah. NothingCoin does the complete opposite. It does literally nothing. Genius, innovative and very favorable to the interests of our current civilization that just sits on their ass and sends disappearing nudes on SnapChat all day.”

Later in the interview Charlie Munger had an aneurysm and passed out in his own urine when he found out Greta Thurnberg was launching an activist campaign against Berkshire Hathaway due to its massive Chevron holdings. “Fuck that little Thurnberg,” Munger said while foaming at the mouth.”

This post first appeared on The Stonk Market

Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

The post Charlie Munger Calls NothingCoin ‘Innovative And Favorable To The Interests Of Civilization’ appeared first on ValueWalk.

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