Tweet of the Week #136: From Chips to Tuna, ‘Shrinkflation’ Hits Japan

Japanese consumers regularly lament on Twitter over “shrinkflated” products—goods that are getting smaller but not cheaper. Shrinkflation was coined by British economist Pippa Malmgren and is a disguised inflation practice. It’s also all too common in Japan.

Bags of potato chips, chocolate bars, tuna cans, bento and more, are discreetly getting smaller while their prices stay the same. Wages also haven’t changed much in Japan since the 2000s. This stealthy price tactic (ステルス値上げ) can affect a families’ food budget. Many well-known brands such as Calbee, Meiji, Country Ma’am, and Kewpie have shrunk their products as demonstrated below by user @ppsh41_1945.

Next time you hit the store, double-check the package quantity. You might be surprised by what you find. Shrinkflation, a Japanese website tracking this trend, keeps a list of products that have shrunk in recent years.

The incredible shrinking food



“Fumio Kishida [the former Minister for Foreign Affairs] says things like ‘the fruits of growth realized by Abenomics,’ but let’s take a look at some of the foods that have become smaller under the Abe administration here.

It is Abenomics that has caused prices to soar while wages have not increased much, and products have become smaller like this, hurting people’s lives.”

The conjunction それでは

Sorede ha koushitara douka?

Conjunctions are very useful words or expressions used to connect two sentences and the Japanese language has many of them. Today, let’s have a look at それでは, also known as では and the casual じゃ. This conjunction is used following three patterns.

You share your opinions on what precedes.

  • だと言ってますが、それではなんでしょうか?: “They say it’s the truth, but is it really?”
  • それではこうしたらどうか?: “In that situation, what should we do?”

You mark the start or the end of a particular situation or topic.

  • それではこれでします: “[Then] I’ll leave you to it.”
  • それではもういいからってうといい: “Well, that’s set, let’s go and eat.”

Finally, それでは is used as a farewell greetings.

  • またえるといいね。それでは: “I hope we can meet again, see you then.”


アベノミクス	abenomikusu	Abenomics, economic and monetary policies of Shinzo Abe
実現する	jitsugen suru	Make happen, put in practice
成長の果実	seichou no kajitsu	The fruits of growth
安倍政権下	abe seikenka	Under the Abe administration
食品	shokuhin	Foods, food products
数々	kazukazu	Variety
賃金	chingin	Wages
物価	bukka	Price
高騰する	koutou suru	Increase
国民生活	kokumin seikatsu	People’s lives
打撃を与える	dageki o ataeru	Deliver a blow [to something, someone], strike

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