Maya Jama to launch her own range of alcoholic drinks

Maya Jama is to launch her own range of alcoholic drinks.

Documents filed last month reveal that the television presenter wants to add drinks to her Cling Cling brand including beer and cider – alcoholic and non-alcoholic. She also made plans for flavoured tonic liquors, table and sparkling wines and wine coolers and low alcoholic drinks, The Sun reports.

Meanwhile, Maya previously vowed to improve her culinary skills when she has children.

The 26-year-old said: "I’m a Deliveroo person, all the time. I’m very active on that. I live in the city now, so there are so many options. You can literally get everything you fancy in under 15 minutes. I’m just like, do I go in the kitchen and cook, or do I Deliveroo? It’s obviously a privilege. I always say when I have kids I’ll be a proper kitchen girl. I just haven’t got it in me yet. I want to love it but I just don’t have the love for it."

She can hold her own in the kitchen, but only if she has a recipe to follow.

She added: "I can actually cook, like I can follow instructions. So as long as I’ve got ingredients and instructions, I can make anything. Maybe not to a top level but whenever I’ve tried to cook I have cooked well. Just the process of it isn’t that enjoyable for me. I’m like, waiting for it to kick in when I love cooking, but I don’t yet. I don’t have much patience. And I live on my own, so there’s not much point."

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