Michelle Pfeiffer enjoys getting to smoke for her roles

Michelle Pfeiffer loves it when she gets to smoke for a role.

The 63-year-old actress used to get through two packs of cigarettes a day before she quit in 1992 but for her latest role in comedy-drama 'French Exit' she had to light up again to portray her character Frances Price.

Although her on-screen cigarettes do not have any nicotine or tar, Michelle still enjoys the ritual of smoking for a short time.

In an interview with Italian publication IO Donna, she said: "I quit smoking years ago, yet it's always such a joy to pick up again. I have always liked it, but the cigarettes I use do not contain nicotine or tar, and are not addictive. Finished the movie, finished the party!"

Michelle also spoke about what it's like to be a mature actress in Hollywood now, and admits that there are many more "interesting" roles than there were a few decades ago.

She said: "Something is changing, there are more opportunities for actresses of my age and for women over 30: maybe not really sexy or leading roles, but interesting."

Michelle previously opened up about her unhealthy smoking habit, admitting that she did not have a healthy lifestyle when she was in her 20s.

She told Ladies Home Journal magazine: "I haven't always been healthy. When I was in my 20s I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. I lived on Marlboro Lights and Coca-Cola."

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