How to Grow Marijuana - Grow Cannabis at Home

Do you want to grow cannabis at home? Well, we will show you how to grow marijuana at your home. Cannabis has many health benefits. Growing your own cannabis will ensure you easily access many sought-after benefits at a low cost.

However, caution is required before you start growing cannabis at home. You don’t want to get into trouble with the law. Find out if growing cannabis is legal in your country. Growing marijuana at home is banned in some countries. If there are no such restrictions from your government, then this article will be helpful to you.

Basic Requirements for Growing Weed at Home

Before you start growing your cannabis, you need to consider some things first and ensure you have everything ready for the process:

  • An adequate space to grow your weed
  • A budget for your task
  • The amount of weed you need to grow weed

Additional requirements for growing cannabis are:

  • Proper light
  • Plenty of water to grow weed
  • A good growing medium
  • The right temperature
  • Balanced nutrients

You may grow your cannabis either indoors or outdoors.

How Long will the Weed take before Maturation?

As you learn how to grow weed at home, you may also be interested to know when you should expect your yield. If you perform your planting task correctly, your first batch should be ready in about nine weeks. However, growing cannabis indoors shortens the maturation time.

The species of cannabis you plant also affects the length of time it takes for your weed to be ready. If you are planting auto-flowering buds, they should take a short time to develop than other species. Auto-flowers are bred to grow in challenging environments and don’t have the light requirements of photoperiods. Some cannabis species can take as long as seven months to develop fully.

Unfortunately, there is one problem with the fast-growing cannabis seeds. Although the gap is closing, they don’t yield as much as the photoperiod strains that take so much time. Considering this, we suggest growing cannabis for three to five months to get a good yield from the plants. Now, let’s learn how to grow weed indoors.

How to Grow Marijuana Indoors

If you are thinking about planting your cannabis indoors, you may consider various areas, including:

  • The garage
  • An extra bathroom
  • A spare room
  • A grow tent
  • A closet or a big container

Growing cannabis indoors has some significant benefits compared to growing it outdoors. One of the most significant advantages is that you control the plants’ environment. Additionally, indoor plants are much cheaper and easier to look after.

However, you need to keep in mind that indoor plants depend on your effort for their nutrition. You need to provide everything the plants need to flourish if you are to get the best crops. If you fail to take care of them as required, the plants will die.

As stated earlier, one of the advantages of growing cannabis indoors is that you can regulate the environment to ensure you have the best conditions for your plants. For the fast-growing cannabis, the suitable temperature during the initial planting days is 20 degrees to 30 degrees Celcius. During flowering, you can keep the temperature from 18 degrees to 26 degrees. This temperature range is ideal for growing colorful and fragrant flowers.

You are probably using grow lights for your indoor plants, which give off heat, raising the temperature. If you have very powerful grow lights, they will emit more heat. Regulate the temperature using exhaust fans. For a small space, such as a tent or a box, one fan is adequate to blow the heated airway away.

Before getting a grow light, make sure to know how much heat it emits. Different lights give off different temperatures.

How to Grow Marijuana Outdoors

Growing weed outdoors can be quite challenging. Here, you have limited control over the conditions for growing your cannabis. You need to watch out for weather changes and perform a few tasks to enhance your crops.

If it is too dry, you can water the plants. If it is raining, you can shelter the plants from the excess water. Alternatively, you can prepare a greenhouse for growing your plants.

Despite these challenges, growing your cannabis outdoors has some advantages. Here, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on the lights and other supplies needed for growing marijuana indoors. Your plants will get the natural sunlight and fresh air from their surroundings.

How to Pick Your Seeds for Growing Weed

Picking seeds for growing cannabis requires you to have some knowledge. First, there are three types of cannabis seeds:

  • Regular seeds
  • Feminized seeds
  • Auto-flowering seeds

Regular seeds are naturally occurring. They are a combination of male and female. If you want to grow potent cannabis without seeds in your buds, you will need female seeds. These seeds can also develop hermies and self-pollinate at times. Conversely, feminized seeds are genetically modified to avoid hermies.

Auto-flowering seeds are the best choice for beginners. These seeds have been bred to flower at a particular age and are easier to grow.

Second, you need to understand the signs of healthy cannabis seeds. Generally, healthy seeds have a shiny cover and gray or dark brown hue. Avoid white or pale green and moldy or cracked seeds.

Lastly, the source of your seeds is critical in determining the quality of seeds you get. Some research may be needed to find a reputable supplier who will provide you with the best seeds. You may also seek some expert advice from the supplier. Remember, growing cannabis is an investment. You want to get the best out of your investment. Look for the best.

A Final Thought on How to Grow Marijuana

Growing weed doesn’t need to give you headaches. Follow these basic guidelines, and you are good to go. You may need to learn more to have a better yield from your work. Talk to other people who are growing cannabis. A little bit more effort will help you avoid some common mistakes right from the start.