Tweet of the Week #140: Deprived Students Explore Virtual Japan

Amidst the pandemic, many Japanese schools had no choice but to cancel their yearly anticipated trips to Kyoto, Nikko and other historical sites.

In May and June 2021, more than 3,500 junior high schools canceled summer trips as an impending fourth state of emergency was looming. Earlier this month, the Japan Association of Travel Agents held a press conference asking the government to compensate for the financial loss caused by the cascade cancellations.

For students, the blow is hard. Traditionally, their 修学旅行 (school trip) is the highlight of the year. It’s a rite of passage for graduating classes in junior high and high schools. Thus, some schools came up with an online alternative. Alas, PowerPoint presentations and live broadcasts by tour guides can’t compare to going on a trip with your friends and a change of scenery.

It’s just not the same

オンライン修学旅行の画像本当に生徒たちが辛そう なぜカバンを持たせるのか…

“The students look like they’re having a hard time in this online school trip picture. Why make them carry bags?

School trip hell

オンライン修学旅行(地獄) マジでこのご時世の若者かわいそうすぎて悲しみだろ。


“Online School Trip (Hell). Seriously, I feel sorry for young people today. It’s so sad. The precious time for being a teenager is over in an instant.”

How to express ‘it looks like’

Nemu-sodesu ne. Saikin chanto nemashita ka?

Coupled with an adjective or a verb, the suffix そう translates to “it looks like” or “it seems like.”

Here are some examples:

  • がくなってたね!がそうだね: “The sky turned dark! It looks like it’s about to rain.”
  • コンサートはそろそろりそう: “It seems like the concert will start soon. Let’s get inside.”
  • そうですね。ちゃんとましたか: “You seem tired. Have you slept enough recently?”

The suffix そう has two exceptions with the adjective 良い (good) and the negative suffix ない (lacking), as can be seen below:

  • はおですね: “Looks like it’s going to be a nice weekend!”
  • くなさそうですね: “It doesn’t seem all that bad.”


修学旅行	shyuugakuryokou	School trip, school excursion
画像	gazou	Picture
生徒たち	seitotachi	Students
辛そう	tsurasou	Looks painful, hard
地獄	jigoku	Hell
ご時世の若者	gojisei no wakamono	Youth of today
悲しみ	kanashimi	Sadness
貴重な時間	kichouna jikan	Precious time
一瞬	isshun	For a brief moment, in the blink of an eye

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