Sunisa Lee vows to 'stay off social media' after Olympic success

Olympic gymnast Sunisa Lee is going to “stay off social media for a bit” after her medal-winning performances.

The 18-year-old Olympian took home the gold medal in the women’s individual all-round final at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games earlier this week, and picked up the bronze in the women’s uneven bars final on Sunday (01.08.21).

Despite coming third in the bars final, Sunisa – who also helped team USA win the silver medal in the team all-round final – has admitted she’s “sad” about her performance because the equipment is her speciality.

Speaking to reporters after the final, she said: “There were so many times in my bar routine where I could have just gave up and jumped off but I didn’t and now I have a bronze medal … I thought I was done.

“This medal probably means more to be than the all-around gold medal did, just because bars is my thing. To mess it up like this, I was just kind of sad about it.”

And because she was so focused on “making everybody else happy”, Sunisa is now planning to take a step back and stay off social media for a while so she can spend time focusing on herself.

She added: “I felt like I wanted to make everybody else happy because bars is my thing and a lot of people were rooting for me.

“I’ll probably cool down a little bit and just focus on what I need to do especially because we’re coming to the end. I want to just do the best I can and end it off good.

“[I’m going to] stay off social media for a little bit. I’m probably going to delete Twitter. Instagram is not as bad because I can’t really see what people say, but [on] Twitter it’s just so easy to see everything. So I’m probably going to have to end up deleting that.”

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