Greta Thunberg vows to go 'net-zero' on swearing

Greta Thunberg has promised to go "net-zero" on swearing.

The teenage climate activist says her days of using foul words are over and if she makes a mistake and lets a swear pass her lips she will counteract that by uttering a kind word for every curse that slips off her tongue.

The 18-year-old change maker posted on Twitter: "I am pleased to announce that I’ve decided to go net-zero on swear words and bad language. "In the event that I should say something inappropriate I pledge to compensate that by saying something nice.”

Greta promised to reach this target by the year 2025 “with a 39.8 per cent reduction by 2034” after being probed by her followers about her commitment.

This comes after footage emerged of her partaking in a group chant of “you can shove your climate crisis up your a*** while on a protest urging for climate action in Glasgow on November 1. The Scottish city is currently hosting Cop26, a United Nations summit seeking international collaboration between 200 nations on getting the world to net- zero carbon emissions.

Greta has had some more damning statements - including swear words - for world leaders, such as US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, during her time in Scotland.

She declared in a speech earlier this week at a fringe event: "Inside COP there are politicians pretending to take our future seriously.

“We say no more blah-blah-blah, no more exploitation of people, nature and the planet. No more whatever the f*** they’re doing inside there.

"We say: no more blah, blah, blah" is a comment referencing to her address to the United Nations’ New headquarters in September where she called the UK and US national leaders “Build Back Better” campaigns “empty promises”.

She said: "We are sick and tired of it and we are going to make the change, whether they like it or not."

The leader of an international school strike movement then lead a chorus of “no more blah, blah, blah.”

The speech Greta made two months was referenced by Johnson, 57, during the Cop26 opening ceremony as he evoked the last climate meeting that prompted the Paris Agreement.

He told the conference: "I was there in Paris six years ago when we agreed to net zero and to try to restrain the rise in the temperature of the planet to 1.5C, and all those promises will be nothing but blah blah blah – to coin a phrase – and the anger and impatience of the world will be uncontainable unless we make this COP26 in Glasgow the moment when we get real about climate change."

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