Sega 'passed the baton' to Xbox, according to former president

The former president of Sega has said that the gaming giant "passed the baton" over to rival console Xbox.

Speaking at a recent conference which brought the giants of the video gaming world together, former Sega president Peter Moore claimed that the Sega Dreamcast was the predecessor to the original Xbox in terms of online gaming.

He said: "As the Dreamcast unfortunately faded into the sunset, the baton was passed to Xbox. As we started to take off with Xbox Live and believed in this idea of gaming together online, there’s still a little bit of a legacy of the Sega Dreamcast in there somewhere."

At the event - named 'Xbox Pioneers: Creativity & Innovation — Past, Present and Future'. Moore joined fellow giants from the gaming world for a panel-based discussion, including executives Robbie Bach and Ed Fries as well as as well as current 343 Industries studio head Bonnie Ross and former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime.

Moore went on to claim that while the Sega console Dreamcast was innovative, Sony took to online gaming "brilliantly" when they came along with the PlayStation, noting that FUDing -a term for "fear, uncertainty and doubt" when it comes to competition in the gaming world, played a part.

He said: “The Dreamcast was ahead of its time, and it sadly didn’t quite make it in the face of the impending PlayStation FUDing — fear, uncertainty, and doubt — that came along. And [Sony] did it brilliantly.”

In bringing all sides of the gaming industry together, former Nintendo presidentFils-Aimé stated: "Creativity and innovation are the life blood of this games industry."

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