Tweet of the Week #158: Potato Snacks Shrink in Japan

Shrinkflation is when goods get smaller, but prices stay the same. Consumers in Japan have been lamenting about their beloved snacks becoming smaller.

This time around, the famous snack company Calbee announced a reduction in package quantities for their popular potato chips and sticks by April 2021. However, don’t count on the retail price dropping. It will increase!

While we would all gain from eating less salty snacks, the price increase isn’t easy to swallow!

You Calbee serious

カルビーの「ポテトチップス」や「じゃがりこ」の内容量の減少 や一部商品の値上げ が 来年1月24日から順次開始されますので、念のためお伝えさせていただきます。

“Just to be sure, I’d like to tell you that Calbee will reduce potato chips and jagarico content sizes and raise the prices of some products from January 24, 2022. Thank you for your understanding.”

Express ‘just to be sure’ in Japanese

Calbee getting greedy.

The expression 念のため (nennotame) translates to “just to be sure” or “just in case.” in English. The phrase is mainly used in formal written communication when you want to report, confirm or request something. While polite, “nennotame” also conveys a certain nuance of vagueness, so it’s best to use it with moderation in your communication at work.

Here are some examples:

  • のがっておりますので、念のためごいたします: The deadline for submission of materials is approaching, so we would like to contact you just in case.
  • のクレームを、念のためごいたします: I would like to report the contents of the recent complaint, just for your information.
  • おりしたのでよろしいでしょうか?念のためいたします: Are you sure you want to use the development meeting schedule that I sent you? I will resend it to you just in case.
  • 念のため、のをお送りいただけますでしょうか?: Just to be sure, could you please send me the previous documents?
  • お送りしたはごいただけたでしょうか?のためいたしますのでごおいいたします: Have you had a chance to look at the project proposal we sent you the other day? We will resend it to you just in case, so please respond.


内容量	naiyouryou	Content size
減少	genshou	Reduction, decrease
一部	ichibu	Some
商品	shouhin	Product
値上げ	neage	Price increase
順次	junji	In order
開始される	kaishi	Be initiated
念のため	nen no tame	To be sure, just in case
伝える	tsutaeru	Communicate, convey

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