Olivia Colman's dog has diabetes

Olivia Colman's dog has been diagnosed with diabetes.

The 47-year-old actress has revealed her pet pooch Alfred Lord Wagyson needs insulin to keep his blood sugar at the right level, and she admitted he's been a "brave, good boy" throughout the ordeal.

She's quoted by The Sun newspaper's TV Biz column as saying: "Now we have to give him injections twice a day, but he’s such a brave, good boy.

"It’s in the scruff of the neck where they don’t feel it. He doesn’t show it. He might be going, ‘Oh, God.’

"But he’s being very brave and now he’s all bright and sparky again.”

Meanwhile, the dog-lover insisted she's so obsessed with pups that she could have a new career in place if her acting roles ever dried up.

She added: "I could be a dog walker. I’m also very good now at injecting dogs with insulin but only if they need it – not just any old random dog.”

Meanwhile, the 'Lost Daughter' star recently revealed she got her first tattoo from castmate Dakota Johnson at a party, which she joked was the beginnings of her "midlife crisis".

She said: "Maybe it was me being completely seduced by this gorgeous person and wanting her to think I was cool. Or maybe it was my midlife crisis.”

The cast's dance party tradition began at the Telluride Film Festival in Colorado earlier this year, when the movie's writer-and-director rejected Netflix's offer to pay for a dinner party for them all.

Dakota recalled: "Maggie was like, 'Instead of having a dinner, let's have a dance party.'"

The group invited cast and crew from other movies at the festival, including Dakota's 'Fifty Shades of Grey' co-star Jamie Dornan, and 'The Power of the Dog' stars Kirsten Dunst and Benedict Cumberbatch, to their party.

Dakota believes the coronavirus pandemic has made people want to party harder now social restrictions have been eased.

She said: "The thing is, people are not behaving normally. If you go to a party, you f****** rage."

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