After a hockey fan saves the life of a team assistant, he seeks her out on social media to reward her

It's the feel-good story of early 2022! A staff member of the Vancouver Canucks NHL ice hockey team owes his life to a fan of the opposing team. An incredible story, but one that is true and which prompted the Canadian team to search for the do-gooder via social networks to reward her.

A good deed can pay off even when you help your opponents! During a game played on October 23, a fan of the Kraken, Seattle's professional ice hockey team, detected a suspicious mole on an assistant of the opposing team, the Vancouver Canucks. A cancerous mole. A diagnosis that likely saved the life of Brian Hamilton, the assistant concerned. "I felt bad at the moment because I'm walking off the bench and she put her phone up to the glass and on the phone it said the mole on the back of your neck is cancer. And it threw me off," Brian Hamilton revealed during a press conference shared on Twitter. "So I kind of just shrugged and kept going. My initial response when I found out was I felt bad because I felt like I didn't really give her the time of day. I'm excited that she knows because she needs to know.She extended my life. I've got a wonderful family. I've got a wonderful daughter. She saved my life," he continued

The Vancouver Canucks team then sent out a message in a bottle or rather across social networks to find this unknown do-gooder. It is in a letter published on Twitter that Brian "Red" Hamilton thanked his guardian angel and posted a description of her in order to find her and express his gratitude. "I don't know who you are or where you are from. I do know that you were sitting behind the Canucks bench the night the Seattle Kraken played their first ever home game. That evening, October 23rd, and the message you showed me on your cell phone will forever be etched into my brain and has made a true life-changing difference for my family," he wrote.

This real-life hero turned out to be Nadia Popovici, a medical student. To reward the good deed of this young woman and fan of the Seattle Kraken, the two franchises have decided to donate $10,000 to her to finance her medical studies: "Together with the @SeattleKraken, we awarded Nadia Popovici a $10,000 dollar scholarship for medical school as a show of our appreciation," the Vancouver Canucks team wrote on Twitter.

According to a story in British Columbia daily The Province, Popovici and her mom also consider themselves Canucks fans, having lived in Vancouver before moving to Seattle.

The two protagonists of the story were able to meet afterwards in an emotional moment that won over Twitter followers.

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