Erin Doherty feels uncomfortable at parties

Erin Doherty “dreads” going to parties because she “doesn’t really know” who she really is.

The ‘Crown’ actress feels “overwhelmed” in social situations because she’s spent so long adopting various different personas for her work, she misses the “comfort and safety” of hiding behind a character and finds it hard to know how to present her true self.

She told Radio Times magazine: “On stage or screen I’m not being Erin, I’m giving you this character and Erin’s somewhere else.

“There’s comfort and safety in putting yourself to one side and completely investing in someone else.

“In social situations, probably because I spend so much time being other people, I can feel overwhelmed – I dread parties.

“I don’t really know who Erin is a lot of the time.”

The 28-year-old star is stricken by imposter syndrome in her work but has learned to ignore her nagging doubts about not being good enough.

She said: “It won’t go away but you learn to shut it up and not engage with it.

“I got to learn from the best on that show, the work doesn’t have to be scary, you can settle into it.

“Thinking that you’re not supposed to be there won’t help you in any way.”

Erin is horrified by the idea that her social media impact influences her prospects of landing work.

She said: “We’re of a generation where people will look at [the number of] social media followers.

“I’ve heard that sometimes it genuinely impacts whether or not you get an acting job, which is crazy.

“I use Instagram for work, but I’m not putting up pictures of my dog or my bowl of porridge.

“When the spotlight is on me, I don’t enjoy it at all.”

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