Mark Wahlberg was forced to miss his family's Christmas holiday

Mark Wahlberg missed his family's Christmas vacation after testing positive for COVID-19.

The 50-year-old actor - who has Ella, 18, Michael, 15, Brendan, 13, and Grace, 12, with his wife Rhea Durham - was stuck at home over the festive season after being diagnosed with the virus.

He said on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show': "We always go on holiday at Christmas and I'm down in the basement a couple days before Christmas, I don't get to open any gifts with anyone or anything and next thing you know, they're still going on holiday."

Mark remembers waving his family goodbye as they set off on their annual holiday.

The actor admitted they did their best to remain a good distance away from him, as he was still testing positive for COVID at the time.

He recalled: "I hear the car getting ready to go, the doors are shutting, and I'm like, 'Are you not the gonna come to the stairs and say goodbye?' But they did come to the stairs and stayed not six feet apart but like 36 feet apart."

Mark was eventually able to join his family on holiday, after he tested negative for the virus.

However, they weren't exactly thrilled to see him.

The Hollywood star - who married Rhea in 2009 - shared: "They're like, 'What are you doing here? Are you sure he's okay?' I still had a little bit of a cough and stuff like that. They didn't want me there.

"I understand because the last holiday we had, my wife got COVID the first day we arrived and then my youngest son and my youngest daughter all got it and they were quarantined. And we had to leave to go to New York so it was a little payback, a little karma."

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