Anonymous uses social media to get users involved in a campaign to help Ukraine

The international hacktivist collective and movement Anonymous has declared war on Vladimir Putin since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One of the goals of Anonymous is to make the Russian population aware that there is a real war going on in Ukraine. In addition to carrying out various acts of hacking, including targeting Russian media, Anonymous is encouraging internet users around the world to lend a helping hand, in a somewhat surprising way.

Anonymous is now waging a veritable cyberwar on Russia, hacking the websites of important media outlets, starting with the Tass news agency and other major Russian media.

But Anonymous is also calling on the public to join in. To do so, the collective posts various initiatives on social networks. One of the easiest to follow is to help inform the Russian public about the situation in Ukraine via Google Maps.

Anonymous suggests selecting a restaurant, a hotel or any business in Moscow from Google Maps and leaving a review. All you have to do is give the establishment five stars then post a comment about what is happening in Ukraine. The organization even gives users a sample text, in Russian, to copy and paste into the review. This translates as: "The food was great! Unfortunately, Putin spoiled our appetites by invading Ukraine. Stand up to your dictator, stop killing innocent people! Your government is lying to you. Get up!"

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