Christina Hendricks loves cooking

Christina Hendricks is constantly trying to "impress [herself]" in the kitchen.

The former 'Mad Men' actress is trying to scale back her meal preparation and has made a commitment to doing "less and less" with her recipes, instead of trying to constantly outdo her culinary creations.

Speaking at the launch of grocery delivery service Good Eggs, she told People magazine: "I love cooking, I am a foodie.

"When I was in my twenties, I was so excited to learn how to cook and I taught myself how to cook. But I was always trying to sort of outdo myself; I would do all these really complicated Thomas Keller recipes that took three days. And I used to always get Gourmet and Bon Appétit and I would just be inspired by whatever I read.

"What I like about tonight is that it doesn't have to be a four hour process. Just fresh ingredients and just grill a piece of fish with great vegetables, and it's just as delicious. So, that's what I'm looking forward to: convincing myself to get back into just doing a simple, quick, fresh kind of cook rather than trying to impress myself."

The 46-year-old star's most recent cooking opportunity came when she rustled up a "big Sunday roast", complete with Yorkshire puddings for her British guests, followed by chocolate pots de creme.

She said: "I would say the last thing I cooked... probably three weeks ago, I had a big Sunday roast. I made a traditional beef roast with vegetables, a nice fennel salad, and Yorkshire puddings.

"One of our guests was Jake Scott, who is Ridley Scott's son, and I wanted to make sure he had a proper Yorkshire pudding so he gave me his mom's recipe and I made that for him.

"I don't love chocolate, but I like things that are creamy. I'm usually a fruit and cream kind of person, but chocolate pots de crème is a crowd pleaser."

Christina also enjoys watching food competition shows but nothing comes close to her beloved 'Top Chef'.

She said: "I've been watching 'Top Chef' for 12 years or something like that.

"I'm obsessed, it's always been my favourite. I still haven't watched 'The Great British Baking Show' and I tried to get into 'Iron Chef' and stuff like that, I just like the sort of more personal feeling of 'Top Chef'. It's like a more well-rounded show."

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