The monarchy means nothing to me, says Steve Jones

Steve Jones has "never had any connection to the monarchy".

The 66-year-old musician played the bass on the Sex Pistols' controversial record 'God Save the Queen' - which was released during Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee in 1977 - and he admits that the monarchy still doesn't mean anything to him.

He shared: "I’ve never had any connection to the monarchy, to be honest. It meant nothing to me, still doesn’t. So to me it was just a laugh, it was a giggle. I didn’t realise it would offend a lot of English people. They took it personally. It was a stab against the Queen."

Steve admits to being young and naive at the time they released the controversial song.

In comparison to his younger self, he thinks he's like a "monk" nowadays.

He told The Independent: "There was a naivety, but also we were very ready to get up and go. That’s what you do when you’re young, 19, 20 years old.

"Times have changed. I’m 65 years old, I’m like a monk now. But also, things are still the same. That’s the way it’s designed. I guess you could say it’s getting a little tougher - the world in general is just not in a good place, and I don’t know how you could turn this mess around."

Six Pistols star John Lydon previously clarified his own views on the monarchy, saying he was neither "pro them or anti them".

The 66-year-old singer explained that he wanted the royals to "work properly" for the British public.

He said: "I just think if we're going to have a monarchy it may as well work properly. I mean, we pay for it, after all."

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