Expert urges social media companies to 'hone in' on misleading claims

Social media companies have been urged to "hone in" on misleading claims made online.

Dr. Adeline Kikam, a dermatologist based in Texas, believes more needs to be done to tackle misleading claims made by skincare companies on platforms like Instagram and Twitter.

The expert told CNN: "I see it all the time across my feed: people actually creating their own concoctions.

"When you have so many small companies doing it on a global level, and putting it directly on your social media, I think it's even harder to control. Platforms really need to hone in on the misleading claims about what some of these products [can] do to skin."

Smaller retailers are likely to have fewer measures in place to ensure that their products are safe for consumers.

And social media platforms have been urged to crack down on these vendors in particular.

Dr. Anita Benson, a Nigeria-based dermatologist, said: "Skincare vendors ... don't need a store. [They also] don't need FDA approval or NAFDAC registration. They don't need to even write the contents of the creams on the bottle. They just tell their followers that it's a secret recipe."

However, Meta - the parent company of Facebook and Instagram - insisted that it dedicates "substantial resources" to combating the potential problem.

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