Cindy McCain: ‘The Republican Party Has Lost Its Way’

John & wife Cindy McCain in 2016 campaign event (Image: Wikimedia)

Cindy McCain, the widow of former Sen. John McCain(R-Arizona), said her husband would have been disappointed in the direction the Republican Party is heading if he were still alive today.

“I don’t believe my husband would recognize it,” McCain said of his former party during a Thursday morning appearance on “MSNBC Reports.”

“I do know one thing: He would be fighting like the dickens to pull it back together and bring it back to what it was during previous Republican administrations and previous administrations as well,” she added.

McCain currently serves as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture in Rome, as a President Joe Biden appointee.

“I’m still a Republican, I believe in the party and I believe in what we stand for,” McCain continued. “But right now we’ve lost our way.”

She expressed a positive outlook and called on her fellow Republicans to “right ourselves and do what Republicans do best, and that is work for a smaller government but work in a bipartisan fashion.”

John McCain was a frequent target of former President Donald Trump‘s criticism, even in the months after his passing.

McCain praised Biden, who awarded John McCain on Thursday with a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom, for demonstrating bipartisanship which is something her husband supported.

“Don’t be afraid to buck the system and don’t be afraid to speak out on any of these issues, no matter what side you’re on,” McCain said. “Debate is good in this country. Calm debate, dignified debate, is good.”


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