Kate Moss splashes out on designer balaclava

Kate Moss has bought herself a balaclava.

The 48-year-old supermodel is "over" wearing hats but she recently splashed out on the wooly headgear for herself and her 19-year-old daughter Lila, who she has with former partner Jefferson Hack.

Playing a game of 'Chic or Not Chic' with Dazed magazine, she was asked about trilby hats and said: "Oh, trilby? Not pork pie? Pork pie... not chic! Fedora? Chic. Hmmm. No hang on. No fedora, not really.

"I’m a bit over hats. But oh! I did buy a balaclava. Amazing! A striped balaclava from Marc Jacobs the other day. Gorj! For me and Lila!"

While Kate was renowned for her festival style over the years, she isn't a fan of some of the looks seen on revellers taking to the fields these days.

Continuing the game and asked about festival style, she replied: "At Coachella? Not chic. I think Coachella style's gone completely."

While Kate's balaclava will conceal most of her face, she hasn't bought it as a disguise because she prefers to just be "normal".

She said: "I like to be able to walk down the street with my dogs. I do it every day. I don't do, like, sunglasses and hats and security guards. I walk down the street by myself with my dogs. And nobody looks. Someone might ask for a picture, and I just say no."

Asked how it feels to be the most famous face in the world, she added: "I never think about it like that! Because then I would be all like that [sunglasses and hat]. I like to think I'm just a normal person, and [everything else] is just my job.

"When I walk down the street I'm just normal, [people] treat me normally. I’ve been around a lot of people [who try to disguise themselves] and the more they do it, the more attention they get."

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