Romeo Santos tries to have facials 'once a month'

Romeo Sants tries to have a facial every month.

The 41-year-old singer was asked about his skincare routine and explained that he tries to squeeze in a professional skincare session once a month but is also "religious" about drinking water to look after his complexion.

He said: " I try to get facials at least once a month. That helps. And this is religion: I try to drink a lot of water. At least a gallon a day. I do it for many reasons, but I've heard that it also helps with your skin. Exercise and do whatever it is that you like doing best. Some people prefer running. Some like playing basketball. Just do whatever you can that complements you."

Meanwhile, the 'Obsesio' hitmaker - who has been lead singer of bachata group Aventura since 1994 - added that he believes he is in "better shape" in his early 40s than he ever was in the early days of his pop career because of how much he has "changed" his lifestyle in the last decade.

He told Allure: "Honestly, I think I'm in better shape at 41 than I was in my 20s. That had a lot to do with the running that I added to my routine. Before I would lift a lot of weights, but never really did any type of cardio. I changed that within the last seven or eight years of my life. It's probably the best thing that I've done. I run a lot. You see pictures of me in my early beginnings, and I'm probably the complete opposite of a sex symbol!"


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