Kanye West: ‘Raising my voice on Instagram is a colonic’

Kanye West has compared his Instagram outpourings to colonic irrigation.

The rapper, 45, who has unleashed a tirade of messages on the social media platform amid the furious backlash against his ‘White Lives Matter’ scandal, says he raises his voice on the forum to highlight his “revolutionary” techniques and insisted his typically all-capitalised outbursts instead get branded “toxic”.

He said in the second part of his wide-ranging interview on Fox News Channel’s ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ aired on Friday (07.10.22): “

“When I have techniques that are revolutionary, if I raise my voice on Instagram, it’s a colonic and people can say, ‘Oh this what you’re doing is toxic’.

“I gotta do everything to get it out of my body and there will be times that I see a level of oppression and I’ll be like ‘I’m not going to let you guys kill me’.”

Kanye’s recent Instagram rants have included attacks on everyone from the Kardashians to supermodel Gigi Hadid and a Vogue contributing editor, amid ongoing criticism of his display of ‘White Lives Matter’ T-shirts at his Paris Fashion Week show on Tuesday. (04.10.22)

Kanye also used the second part of his Tucker Carlson chat to bemoan it hurts his feelings when he’s branded “crazy”.

The rapper, who goes by Ye, added: “They keep on using the, ‘Oh he’s crazy, he’s crazy’ thing. And it hurts my feelings when people say that.

“It hurts my feelings that people can ask, ‘Hey, are you okay?’

“I do certain things from a feeling, I just channel the energy. It just feels right. “It’s using a gut instinct, a connection with God, and just brilliance.”

He also insisted his father Ray West found the WLM fallout “funny” despite him being an “educated ex-Black Panther”.

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