Shanina Shaik gave birth last month

Shanina Shaik has named her son Zai.

The 31-year-old model and her boyfriend Matthew Adesuyan welcomed their son into the world a few weeks ago but she decided to take "time to adjust" to her new role in life before sharing the happy news and she's promised to tell fans more about how she's finding motherhood "soon".

Sharing a photo of the dark-haired tot with his arm covering his face, she wrote on Instagram on 20 September: "Welcome to the world baby Zai Adesuyan [white heart emoji] Matthew @bausmatthew and I, are so in love!!! I have taken this time to adjust to my baby’s schedule and to understand the role of being a mother. Bringing life into this world is a beautiful challenge. I would be happy to share my experience soon …. [blue heart emojis] (sic)"

Shanina's mother Kim had previously revealed she had become a grandmother for the first time.

She announced on Facebook last month: "My gorgeous grandson was born last night at 12:50 on the 16th September 2022.

"Never thought I would feel this much love again but my heart is full. His name is still to be announced by the happy, incredibly proud parents."

Shanina had previously announced she was expecting a boy and admitted she and Matthew were delighted at the prospect of having a son.

She said: "Matthew and I are so excited to know we are having a boy!

"We both wanted to have a boy and our dreams came true. I'm thrilled to be a boy mum and raise a kind, caring, loving human being. He is surrounded with so much love and support.

"He will be a part of a growing family between Matthew and I. I have always wanted to be a mum and I'm happy to share this new journey with my partner."

The Australian beauty predicted parenthood would be her "greatest role yet".

She said: "I cannot wait to meet my baby boy and raise him, with my boyfriend to become a good person. Being a mother will be my greatest role yet.

"'I've flown my mum from Australia to Los Angeles to be here for the birth. We're all so over the moon.

"Having a complication-free pregnancy is a privilege and the entire experience has made me appreciate women and mothers so much more.

"We bring life into this world and I really have a new found respect."

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