Herschel Walker Displays Honorary Sheriff’s Badge During Debate, Claims It Is ‘Legit’

Herschel Walker displays police badge at debate (Image: YouTube)

Herschel Walker, the Republican Senate nominee in Georgia, drew laughs during a highly anticipated debate when he pulled an honorary sheriff’s badge to defend himself from an attack from Sen. Raphael Warnock, his Democrat opponent.

On Sunday, Walker said in an interview the badge was “legit.”

The moment — which quickly turned into a viral video — happened when Warnock said he never “pretended to be a police officer,” a reference to how Walker has exaggerated his work with law enforcement.

The Republican nominee, then, pulled an honorary sheriff badge, claiming he had worked with “many police officers.” One of the debate moderators asked him to put the badge away, saying he was aware of the debate rules forbidding the use of props.

It is not unusual for honorary badges to be given to celebrities like Walker, who is a former college and NFL star player.

On Sunday, Walker told NBC the badge is from Johnson County, in East Georgia. He claimed it gives the right to work with the police and “do things,” confirming it is an honorary badge, as opposed to one that gives arrest authority.

“This is from my hometown,” Walker said, showing the badge during the interview. “Everyone can make fun but this badge gives me the right if anything happens in this county, I have the right to work with the police and get things done.”

According to NBC, Johnson County couldn’t list any instances in which Walker helped them.


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