TikTok is introducing adult-only options for live broadcasts

TikTok is introducing adult-only options for live broadcasts.

The video sharing platform will allow users to decide if they want to only have over-18s watch their lives in a few weeks time.

They designed the feature for content - such as comedy routines or people talking about a “difficult life experience” - that is not suitable for younger audiences.

TikTok said: "We want our community to make the most of the opportunities LIVE can bring without compromising on safety.

"We believe these industry-leading updates can further protect the younger members of our community as they start and build their online presence."

The development comes after a series of other safety measures being brought into their live broadcast function during an increased amount of questions about how to best protect children when using social media accounts.

Recently, the coroner in the inquest surrounding the death of Molly Russell - a 14-year-old girl who took her own life in 2017 - urged social media sites to act after she was found dead after viewing suicide and self-harm content online.

Andrew Walker ruled that Molly - whose father Ian Russell has become an internet safety campaigner - died after enduring the “negative effects of online content” on sites such as Instagram and Pinterest.

He said: "Molly was at a transition period in her young life which made certain elements of communication difficult” and was "exposed to material that may have influenced her in a negative way and, in addition, what had started as a depression had become a more serious depressive illness".

Despite the age locks, TikTok - which only allows those 13 years old and older from having accounts and is increasing the age to 18 from 16 to go lives - is not following in the footsteps of OnlyFans as X-rated content is still prohibited on the app.

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