From events to goods, here's what the Inven booth looked like at G-Star 2022

There were a lot of flashy, cool-looking booths at G-Star 2022. From huge booths that took up the center of the Exhibition Hall 1 to small-medium sized booths that filled up the remaining spaces, as well as those that showed flair in Exhibition Hall 2, it took half a day just visiting them all.

There was one booth that had stamp events, game demos, to goods that were being sold: The Inven booth! It may sound like self-praise, but it’s true. From testing out various gaming gear such as PCs, laptops, gaming chairs & other gear to various events, fans were able to take photos and buy Inven’s merchandise.

Alongside Inven’s main sponsor, Intel, the Inven booth consisted of many different zones such as Inven Gaming Experience Zone, Market Inven, Goose Goose Duck, Teamfight Tactics, Steelseries, Sidiz, among many others. Fans were able to collect stamps from each zone as well as buy Blizzard and League of Legends official goods through our Market Inven.

Here’s how it looked.

Here it is! The Inven booth!
After collecting stamps, you were able to get the cute "Bbik" bag
It's about the size of your phone. Very useful
Each session had its own event
At the Lenovo Legion station, you were able to test different gadgets to play games
At the end of this long line...
An exciting experience zone awaited
Playing racing games with laptops
13th generation Intel Core processor zone
You were able to test Steelseries gear in this zone
Next to it, there was the Teamfight Tactics zone
Let's play a game, shall we?
Afterwards, you were able to get stamps and stickers
A photo booth to take pictures with the Inven friends!
You were able to take photos at the Goose Goose Duck session as well
Say goose!
This part of Inven's booth is a staple at G-Star
Market Inven, where you left with your hands full!
From badges to mouspads
Plenty for everyone
The line got bigger!
These could only be seen while waiting in line
Post cards!
The Sidiz zone, full of comfortable gaming chairs
Click when it turns green!
After collecting all the stamps, you were able to exchange it for...
A chance to win goods like this!

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