10 ways to enjoy a low-cost Easter explained by personal finance expert

Easter is almost here and with supermarket prices still painfully high, a personal finance expert has revealed 10 ways to have a low-cost Easter celebration this year.

While Easter may not quite have the same significance as Christmas or Thanksgiving, it’s still a great time to meet up with friends and family, enjoy some delicious chocolate treats and brighten up the house with some spring decorations.

But as we’re all feeling the pinch of ever-increasing supermarket prices, personal finance expert Dan Whittaker at Viva Money has shared a host of tips on how you can save some money over the Easter holiday.

1. Spring scrimping

The arrival of spring is often met with a wave of spring cleaning and decoration to help brighten up our homes.

That can obviously cost a pretty penny but “decorating your home for Easter doesn’t need to drain your savings,” Dan says. “For an instant spring hit, look no further than daffodils. Daffs are one of the first flowers to bloom after winter, which is why so many of us automatically associate them with spring. Pick up a couple of bunches at your local supermarket and display them around your house.”

2. Tree-mendously cheap décor

While decorating our homes with a tree may seem like a Christmas tradition, it’s something that many do at Easter too. But instead of covering a conifer tree in Christmas ornaments, Easter trees often feature brightly colored eggs or spring-themed decorations.

Of course, buying a pre-made tree could come at a cost so Dan recommends that “rather than forking out on a ready-made, shop-bought version, have a go at making your own. All you’ll need is a spare vase, some twigs, and a handful of Easter decorations.”

“Simply collect some sturdy twigs from the garden or a local park and arrange in a vase for a rustic feel. To finish, drape the branches with colorful hanging egg decorations,” he adds.

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3. Penny-saving painting

A great and cheap way to “keep the kids engrossed for hours” is to set them off decorating hard boiled eggs.

“Don’t worry if you don’t have paints,” Dan says. “Felt tip pens work just as well. You could host a competition to see who can design the funniest egg face!”

4. Supper savings

A popular meal to have at Easter, given that it takes place in spring, is roast lamb. However, this can be quite pricey.

“For more cost-effective options, you may wish to consider pork or gammon, which tend to be cheaper,” explains Dan.

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5. Economical egg-cellence

Around the world, it is estimated that between 80 and 90 million chocolate eggs are eaten annually.

While the giant Easter eggs on offer in the UK and some of Europe may not have caught on in the US, there is still plenty of Easter-themed candy to choose from.

“It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the vast choice of Easter eggs [and candy] in supermarkets but take your time to scope out a bargain,” Dan says. “But be quick because, as you can imagine, [any] offers are in high demand!”

6. Frugal fun

Keeping kids entertained over spring break can be a worrisome prospect but there are several great ways to let them have fun and on a budget, with one of the most popular being an Easter egg hunt.

“Set them on an egg hunt while you whip up your Easter feast egg-stravaganza,” says Dan. “Hide chocolate eggs and treats around the house and garden for the kids to discover.”

He also recommends writing out clues for the little ones to follow and if you’re in need of inspiration, you can find 40 ready-made clues via Personal Creations.

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7. Egg and spoon

A classic and low-cost way to have some Easter-themed fun is a good old-fashioned egg and spoon race.

“As the name suggests, you need just two items to let the good times roll: spoons and eggs,” Dan explains. “This is something that both kids and adults can enjoy – you’d be surprised how competitive this game can get!”

8. Movie night

You can’t beat a good movie night and just like at Christmas, there are plenty of Easter and spring-themed movies that the whole family can enjoy.

“Throw on your PJs, tuck into those chocolates, and enjoy a relaxing evening with an Easter-themed film,” says Dan, who recommends a host of family favorites:

  • Peter Rabbit
  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  • Chicken Run
  • The Dog Who Saved Easter
  • A Sean the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon
Aardman | Netflix

9. Penny-wise presents

If you’d rather steer clear of chocolate treats, you could always opt for an Easter gift alternative, although this is a relatively new tradition.

“Daffodils – as we mentioned earlier – are both cheap and cheerful, and make gorgeous gifts. For a little extra something, try tying the bunch with a brightly colored ribbon,” Dan recommends.

While other options may include a bunny or spring-themed moneybox/piggybank or a Lego bunny rabbit perhaps.

10. Complimentary in the community

As mentioned, keeping kids entertained while they’re off school over spring break can be a challenge, especially if you don’t want them spending all their time on their devices.

“Over the Easter period, many libraries and churches offer free craft sessions,” Dan explains.

On top of that, it could also be an idea to check out local community websites or social media pages for information on low-cost Easter activities in your area.